Washington State Magazine

Tag: Internment camps

2 review(s) found with this tag.

Looking Like the Enemy: Japanese Mexicans, the Mexican State, and US Hegemony, 1897-1945
Spring 2015
Eizi Matuda and his wife Miduho Kaneko de Matuda were Japanese immigrants who had become Mexican citizens and had lived there for 20 years when agents of the Mexican government came to their home to relocate them. However, unlike thousands of J...
Categories: History
Tags: Mexico, Immigration, Internment camps

Nikkei Baseball: Japanese American Players from Immigration and Internment to the Major Leagues
Winter 2014
Since Sam Regalado received his doctorate in history in 1987, he has established himself as one of the leading authorities on the history of baseball and the Hispanic population in the United States. Now a professor at California State Universi...
Categories: Athletics, History, Cultural studies
Tags: Japanese-Americans, Baseball, Internment camps