Washington State Magazine

Tag: Labor and unions

2 review(s) found with this tag.

Coal Wars: Unions, Strikes, and Violence in Depression-Era Central Washington
Summer 2015
There was a time, it’s been recalled, when each home in Roslyn had three pictures on its wall: of Jesus, FDR, and John L. Lewis, the powerful head of the United Mine Workers of America, or UMW. But labor conflicts in the coal-mining town duri...
Categories: Washington state history
Tags: Labor and unions, Coal mining, Roslyn

"They are all Red Out Here": Socialist Politics in the Pacific Northwest, 1895-1925
Fall 2009
Few if any aspects of the Northwest’s political and labor history have been so thoroughly documented as the region’s most radical era, from the 1890s to the First World War.  Books and articles have highlighted such topics as the rise of...
Categories: History
Tags: Northwest history, Labor and unions, Radical politics