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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
18:16, September 24, 2012 Ferryhallfire1897-2.jpg (file) 40 KB WSM2 Aftermath of the Ferry Hall Fire in 1897 1
18:14, September 24, 2012 Ferryhall11893.jpg (file) 49 KB WSM2 Old Ferry Hall 1
19:53, September 21, 2012 Murrow.jpg (file) 7 KB WSM2 Edward R. Murrow 1
19:44, September 21, 2012 1962-commencement-Rogers-Field.jpg (file) 98 KB Wsm Commencement, 1962 at Rogers Field. Courtesy MASC. 1
19:36, September 21, 2012 Artshall4.jpg (file) 27 KB WSM2 Old Arts Hall, now Murrow Hall, pictured in 1954 prior to rennovation. 1
19:31, September 21, 2012 Terrellandbryan2007.jpg (file) 26 KB WSM2 Terrell Library in 2007. 1
19:28, September 21, 2012 Holland1961-62retrocars2.jpg (file) 68 KB WSM2 The lawn in front of Holland Library, during 1961, with student campaign signs. 1
19:27, September 21, 2012 Holland1961-62retrocars.jpg (file) 68 KB WSM2   1
23:38, June 20, 2012 Jewett Observatory 2009.jpg (file) 295 KB LarryClark Jewett Observatory in the snow. 2009. Photo by Shelly Hanks. 1
23:37, June 20, 2012 Jewett Observatory 1952 PowWow.jpg (file) 68 KB LarryClark Jewett Observatory under construction, March 1952 PowWow. Caption: New Observatory-Shown under construction is the new Jewett Observatory, which should be ready for use some time this semester. The spherical plywood dame, the first of its kind ever to be 1
18:23, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook ZenoKatterle.jpg (file) 37 KB LarryClark Zeno B. Katterle - Dean, College of Education (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:23, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook WayneCrinklaw toloking.jpg (file) 64 KB LarryClark Mr. Wayne Crinklaw - Sophomore Tolo King (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:23, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook Wallis Beasley.jpg (file) 17 KB LarryClark Wallis Beasley - Chairman, Sociology and Anthropology (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:23, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook SueKelly LambdaChiAlpha.jpg (file) 86 KB LarryClark Miss Sue Kelly - Lambda Chi Alpha Crescent Girl (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:23, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook study2.jpg (file) 30 KB LarryClark Hitting the books (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:23, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook track.jpg (file) 49 KB LarryClark WSU track - Herm McKee edges out Husky Mike Thraul in the low hurdles. Third was the Cougar's Ron Matheison (center). (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:22, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook STownStephenson.jpg (file) 38 KB LarryClark S. Town Stephenson - Dean of Faculty (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:22, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook study1.jpg (file) 36 KB LarryClark Studying at the CUB (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:21, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook SM Ghazanfar.jpg (file) 6 KB LarryClark Shaikh Ghazanfar - Class of '62, Business Administration, Karachi, West Pakistan (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:21, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook SamHunt freshman exec.jpg (file) 11 KB LarryClark Sam Hunt - member of the freshman executive council, and later a state representative from Olympia (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:21, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook StanBates.jpg (file) 26 KB LarryClark Stan Bates - Director of athletics, enroute to Indiana football game. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:21, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook Stimson pres.jpg (file) 26 KB LarryClark Chuck Williamson - President, Stimson Hall (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:21, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook shatteredwindow.jpg (file) 31 KB LarryClark Clues to be found in a shattered window? A scene from the police science open house. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:20, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook Rotunda2.jpg (file) 15 KB LarryClark Bird's-eye view of the new Rotunda dining hall (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:20, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook RichardOtt.jpg (file) 15 KB LarryClark Richard L. Ott - Department Chairman, Veterinary Clinical Medicine & Surgery (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:20, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook PresFrench.jpg (file) 46 KB LarryClark C. Clement French - President of WSU (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:20, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook RichardDurant.jpg (file) 17 KB LarryClark Richard Durant - Fall Wing Commander of the Air Force ROTC (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:20, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook play RaisinSun.jpg (file) 33 KB LarryClark Raisin in the Sun: Marty Kelby, James Curtis (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:19, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook play DamaskCheek.jpg (file) 40 KB LarryClark The Damask Cheek: Phil Walkowski (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:19, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook play Importance.jpg (file) 25 KB LarryClark The Importance of Being Earnest: John Monahan, Carol Giboney, Dave Brown (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:19, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook pharmacy2.jpg (file) 29 KB LarryClark Determination of the effects of drugs on an isolated muscle. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:19, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook PineManor pres.jpg (file) 28 KB LarryClark Art Barrett - President, Pine Manor (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:19, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook pharmacy1.jpg (file) 26 KB LarryClark Pharmacy students manufacture an ointment in bulk with a roller-mill. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:18, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook Panhellenic pres.jpg (file) 30 KB LarryClark Anne Adams - President, Panhellenic Council (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:18, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook NelsonAult.jpg (file) 16 KB LarryClark Nelson A. Ault - Chairman, English (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:18, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook Orcheses.jpg (file) 95 KB LarryClark Orcheses Members: Ronnie Alexander, Kathy Bamford, Connie Beer, Jane Bevington, Sylvia Crecilius, Elsie Gill, Cheryl Howard, Marsha Jensen, Cheryl Koch, Kathy Quinn, Judy Rinta, Sandy Six, Dee Weissenborn, Ganet Van Winkle. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:18, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook OrvilleVogel.jpg (file) 41 KB LarryClark Dr. Orville Vogel, WSU plant breeder stationed at WSU, compares recently released Gaines wheat with an older variety. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:18, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook Murrow commencement.jpg (file) 32 KB LarryClark Edward R. Murrow, Commencement speaker (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:16, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook McCroskey pres.jpg (file) 30 KB LarryClark Erma Beadlas - President, McCroskey Hall (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:16, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook Murrow award.jpg (file) 26 KB LarryClark William N. Goodwin awarded Edward R. Murrow the Distinguished Alumnus award at the 1962 Commencement. (From the 1962 Chinook 1
18:16, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook MarilynHolert Chinook editor.jpg (file) 38 KB LarryClark Marilyn Holert - Editor of The Chinook (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:16, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook MaryDavis jr promqueen.jpg (file) 51 KB LarryClark Miss Mary Davis - Junior Prom Queen (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:16, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook married students.jpg (file) 39 KB LarryClark David, Mike, Mark, and Linda Williams (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:15, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook lie detector.jpg (file) 24 KB LarryClark Curious student succumbs to lie detector test. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:15, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook KWSC TV.jpg (file) 43 KB LarryClark WSU students presenting the news over KWSC television station. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:15, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook MarilynHolert.jpg (file) 5 KB LarryClark Marilyn Holert - Class of '62 (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:15, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook KathyKrogue Homecomingqueen.jpg (file) 79 KB LarryClark Miss Kathy Krogue - Homecoming Queen (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:15, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook KrisBuros.jpg (file) 5 KB LarryClark Kris Buros - Class of '62 (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:14, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook JulieAnderson SigmaChi.jpg (file) 63 KB LarryClark Miss Julie Anderson - Sweetheart of Sigma Chi (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:14, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook Jr blood drive.jpg (file) 25 KB LarryClark At the junior class blood drive. "Pit-a-pat-pat, pit-a-pat-pat. I'm really not scared, but my blood pressure is." (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
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