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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
18:12, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook HawaiiClub.jpg (file) 58 KB Hui Hauoli O'Hawaii (student club). Row 1: Janice Peterson, Susi Meade, Mary Ann Jaburek, Gene Canque, Dee Miller, Linda Storms, Marion Morimoto, Joyce Hart, Shirley Kodani. Row 2: Sac hi Yanagisawa, Joanne Schultz, Jeanette Okinaka, Judy Machiguchi, Loui 1
18:12, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook HerbEastlick.jpg (file) 16 KB H. L. Eastlick - Chairman, Zoology (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:12, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook HildaRoberts.jpg (file) 19 KB Hilda B. Roberts - Chairman, Pre-Nursing (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:12, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook gymnastics.jpg (file) 18 KB Dick Van Hersett, western champion in tumbling and seventh in the nation last year, is shown here tumbling. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:12, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook GRogerSpencer.jpg (file) 15 KB Guy R. Spencer - Department Chairman, Veterinary Pathology (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:10, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook GeorgeHudson.jpg (file) 21 KB George Hudson - Director, Museums and Collections (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:10, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook Golden Romney.jpg (file) 31 KB Golden Romney - Dean, College of P.E. and Recreation (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:10, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook GreyW initiates.jpg (file) 52 KB The Grey "W" initiates for 1962 - fully enjoying themselves. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:10, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook golf.jpg (file) 26 KB WSU golf team member Mike Jones in the top of his back swing. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:10, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook FulmerHall.jpg (file) 118 KB Fulmer Hall in 1962. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:09, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook FourFreshmen.jpg (file) 32 KB The Four Freshmen appearing with George Shearing at a CUB concert, 1962. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:09, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook football vsIdaho.jpg (file) 67 KB WSU vs. Idaho: Hugh Campbell (86) throws a block for Ken Graham (33) as the tricky sophomore outraces Idaho's Mike Bauman (61). (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:09, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook football vsMissouri.jpg (file) 75 KB WSU vs. Missouri: Halfback John Browne (44) is brought down by the Missouri Tiger safety man after a nine yard scant around left end. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:09, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook football vsOregon.jpg (file) 41 KB WSU vs. Oregon: WSU quarterback Dave Mathieson (10) looks for a downfield target as an Oregon rusher fights off Harold Haddock (39). (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:09, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook Felgenhauer.jpg (file) 15 KB Aggie of the Year Karl Felgenhauer and wife (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:08, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook Evergreen editor Larry Drury.jpg (file) 20 KB Larry Drury - Daily Evergreen editor, Fall Semester (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:08, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook Evergreen editors spring.jpg (file) 38 KB Daily Evergreen news editors, spring semester: Mike Wilson, Carol Jensen, Walker Roberts. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:08, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook EugeneClark.jpg (file) 29 KB Eugene Clark - Dean, School of Economics and Business (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:08, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook ElizabethDay.jpg (file) 5 KB Elizabeth Day - Class of '62 (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:08, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook ErnestStone.jpg (file) 25 KB Ernest C. Stone - Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:07, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook DSFarner.jpg (file) 23 KB D. S. Farner - Dean of Graduate School (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:07, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook DwightDamon.jpg (file) 5 KB Dwight Damon - Class of '62 (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:07, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook DonaldMcCall.jpg (file) 20 KB Donald F. McCall - Chairman, Police Science (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:07, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook DickBarry senior pres.jpg (file) 19 KB Dick Barry - President, Senior class of 1962 (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:07, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook Dodgen.jpg (file) 22 KB Harold W. Dodgen - Director, Nuclear Reactor Project (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:06, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook DeeCampbell independentqueen.jpg (file) 60 KB Miss Dee Campbell - Independent Queen (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:06, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook DeltaGamma pres.jpg (file) 28 KB Priscilla Hall - President, Delta Gamma sorority (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:06, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook DeltaTauDelta pres.jpg (file) 26 KB Max Bolte - President, Delta Tau Delta fraternity (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:06, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook DickBarry campaign.jpg (file) 24 KB Dick Barry senior president campaign sign. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:06, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook dairy science.jpg (file) 32 KB Dairy Science Open House (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:05, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook CUB hanging out1.jpg (file) 30 KB Coffee time means Evergreen time at the CUB Labs. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:05, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook CUB music1.jpg (file) 24 KB Wayne Bliesner of the Tromb Kats at November's Watch Night. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:05, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook DadsDay sign.jpg (file) 29 KB Booze in a dorm? ... Shame girls... (First place winner in the Dad's Day sign contest.) (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:05, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook DadsDay trophy.jpg (file) 27 KB Presentation of "Dad of the Year" trophy to Mr. George Nethercutt. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:05, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook CougarYellSquad.jpg (file) 82 KB The Cougar Yell Squad: Liane Francis, Rod Grimm, Kathy Bamford, Roger Gorman, Mary Ann Maslac, Dave Vik, Fran Osmers, Larry Gust, Nonie Pengelly, John Biggs, Kathy Quinn, Jerry Schmeil. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:04, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook computer.jpg (file) 32 KB A computer being explained to interested students at the Engineering Open House. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:04, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook Cougarettes drill team.jpg (file) 34 KB WSU Cougarettes drill team (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:04, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook Col JohnnieBrink.jpg (file) 41 KB Colonel Johnnie Brink - Department Chairman, Military Science (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:04, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook commencement.jpg (file) 144 KB The 1962 Commencement (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:04, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook Col BrysonBailey.jpg (file) 32 KB Colonel Bryson Bailey - Air Science Department Chairman (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:02, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook Clevenger.jpg (file) 57 KB J. C. Clevenger - Dean of Students (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:02, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook cider pressing.jpg (file) 30 KB Horticulture Club members in midst of annual cider pressing. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:02, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook ChrisStine HarvestBallqueen.jpg (file) 55 KB Miss Chris Stine - Harvest Ball Queen (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:02, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook ChristieJockimsen SallySunshine.jpg (file) 77 KB Miss Christie Jockimsen - Sally Sunshine (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:02, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook ChrisStine dance.jpg (file) 23 KB Harvest Ball Queen Chris Stine and date enjoy dance. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:01, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook CarmenSnitily PhiSig.jpg (file) 40 KB Miss Carmen Snitily - Phi Sig Moonlight Girl (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:01, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook CampusAllstars Homecoming.jpg (file) 28 KB The Campus All Stars playing "Jersey Bounce." (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:01, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook campus1.jpg (file) 75 KB WSU campus, 1961. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:01, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook campus aerial.jpg (file) 122 KB Aerial view of WSU campus, 1961. (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
18:01, May 25, 2012 1962Chinook Butch.jpg (file) 36 KB Butch the Cougar, 1961. "Smooth move, fellas." (From the 1962 Chinook) 1
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