(New page: Every Our Story user has "user page." If you have registered, you can create your own user page. Your user page is linked in the top of the left sidebar. More importantly, others will see ...) |
(No difference)
Every Our Story user has "user page." If you have registered, you can create your own user page. Your user page is linked in the top of the left sidebar. More importantly, others will see links to your user page from various pages that you edit or create. This includes the 'Recent changes' and page 'history' displays. You can also link to your user page within text of a wiki page, which is mainly useful on talk pages when you sign your name.
User pages are just as flexible as any other Our Story page, and it's a page all about you, so generally people will leave you to freely write your user page in whatever format you like. Think of it as a 'profile' page. It's a feature to help other people know who you are, and to bring the online community closer together. You might like to mention where you are from and what your job is. You can also state what your main areas of interest are in relation to WSU, and describe contributions you have made to Our Story or areas where you are interested in contributing.
User scratchpad / development area
You can use your user page as a scratchpad, an area for developing ideas. If subpages are enabled, you may find them useful for creating sub pages under your user page. However you should avoid expending too much effort within your own area of the wiki. You can also use a shared Sandbox page for quick (non-permanent) wiki experimentation.
Every user page has an associated talk page; a "user talk page". This is a special kind of talk page, for leaving messages directed at a particular user. See Help:Talk pages.
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